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Başlık: Low complexity early stopping structure for belief propagation decoder
Diğer Başlıklar: Kanı yayılımı kod çözücü için düşük karmaşıklıklı erken durdurma yapısı
Yazarlar: Şimşek, Cemaleddin
Anahtar kelimeler: Error correction code, Capacity achieving codes, Polar code, Luby transform code, Iterative decoder, Belief propagation decoder, Early stopping criteria, Early termination method, VHDL hardware design, Hardware optimization;Hata düzeltme kodu, Kapasite ba¸sarımlı kodlar, Kutup kod, Luby dönü¸süm kod, Yinelemeli kod çözücü, Kanı yayılımı kod çözücü, Erken durdurma kriteri, Erken sonlandırma metodu, Donanm tanımlama dilinde donanım tasarımı, Donanım en iyilemesi
Yayın Tarihi: 2017
Yayıncı: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Özet: Belief propagation (BP) decoder is a well known iterative decoder used for decoding many error correction code families. BP decoder without early stopping structure uses a fixed iteration number to end iterative decoding process. But decoder may be converged before iteration number reaches this fixed limit.~In these case, decoder performs a redundant process. Therefore, stopping the iterations is essential to keep computational burden as low as possible when decoding is successful. With this perspective, a low complexity early stopping structure for belief propagation decoders is proposed with this thesis.~In contrast to previous early stopping methods in literature, proposed early stopping structure only uses small amount of log-likelihood ratio (LLR) messages and tracks only sign alterations of them. Proposed structure is applied to both polar and Luby transform (LT) codes and can be easily applied to error correction codes use BP as decoder.~Performance parameters are compared with simulation works and hardware description language (VHDL) implementations.~Results illustrate that proposed approach significantly reduces the computational complexity and required hardware resources, also throughput values are increased compared to previous counterparts in literature.
URI: http://acikerisim.ktu.edu.tr/jspui/handle/123456789/4019
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği

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