Turkmenian language takes place in East section of Oghuz Group of Turkic languages. It is known that as an
official language Turkmenian was created later period compared to Turkish language and Azerbaijan language.
Turkish and Turkmenian which belong to Oghuz Group of Turkic languages follow same ways to construction
of reporting clause. The examples of reporting clause which taken from both languages show similar
construction in respect to their constituent parts, construction properties, adjunction to main sentence and the
properties of the sentence. On the other hand, reporting clause in Turkmenian is different from reporting clause
in Turkish in a few ways. There are morphological and orthographical differences regarding the construction ofthe reporting clause. The reporting clause is widely accepted as nested compound because of the classification of
the sentences according to their structures in Turkish grammars. Unlike Turkish grammars, it is accepted as
‘başganıñ gepi’ due to the internal sentence of nested compound sentence in Turkmenian grammars. The term
reporting clause will use as a label for these sentences in this study. The reporting clauses convey thoughts or
statements in varied forms with quotations included. In reporting clause construction, the quotations and
metaphrases correspond to the reported clause. This study compares reporting clauses in Turkmenian language to
reporting clauses in Turkish language.